Friday, January 11, 2008


I am a total sucker for a naked baby butt. I know, I know, Aiden is probably on the brink of NOT being a baby anymore, but really...I love the cottage cheese ridden dimples of his hiney when he sits! I also love to watch him run down the hall and his little cheeks shake...he's got his daddy's butt! So cute!

So, I loved when he got out of the bath and I found him in front of the bookshelf. He just took it among himself to take a seat and read away. He loves "torrry's" (aka stories). This pic of him smiling is a little OOF but I love his face, and I think it's cute anyway. Can we say, MOMMY GOGGLES?!!

(Please excuse the gift bags in the background-the kid has so much already, I'm scared to unpack anything else!!)


Lisa B said...

What a cutie!

Laurel Bay Stables said...

Aaah, nakey baby booty! What a cutie, good lil book worm :)

Sarah said...

Aww! I'm afraid to say that these are "cute" (naked kid involved) but they really are!

{*jamie*} said...

Awww cute. Typical boy reading naked, hehe! You are braver than me, my floor would be peed on for sure! :P