Thursday, January 10, 2008

It's Thursday night....

What does that mean? GAME NIGHT!! Woop Woop!

On Thursday it is known through all the lands that it's "guy's game night." TJ will arrive home promptly with his 6 pack of Bud, quickly do his homework like a good little boy, and scoff down his dinner. Why you ask? So that he can meet his friends on Xbox 360 live so they can all play war games and act manly. He plays with my friend's husband, and his brother. If he's not on by around 6:30p.m. his phone starts ringing, wondering where he is.

I know not to ask much of him, or expect anything of him on Thursdays. It's his time. Hey, I can give up one night a week I suppose. Besides, who doesn't love a man in a sexy headset?!! Thursday's just wouldn't be the same if I didn't hear things like "aww man, I'm out of 'nades" or "I'm over here, I'm over got my back man?" Even Aiden will sometimes pick up the remote and say "aww man, s***" We try hard not to laugh.

Gotta love how the beer is tucked away, just so. =)


Heather said...

Sounds pretty cool...guess you can enjoy it from the stands ;) LOL!!

Lisa B said...

Everybody's gotta have a little time for fun!

{*jamie*} said...

Haha! Sounds like fun! My husband loves his games too...I must get him one of those so he can stay off my computer! ;) Aiden looks a lot like his daddy!

Laurel Bay Stables said...

That second one is funny! Such a dude.

And I so did not miss today! It is only 7:30 here in CA!! Have faith woman. And woohooo I have a fan hehehe

Jodi said...

Haha that is classic! My husband likes to play Madden on the PS3 with friends online!

Cristal said...

The second picture with the tucked-away-beer is hilarious!

TJ Devlin said...

Very funny blog! I am your biggest fan. Keep up the great work!