Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Man versus beast.

Aiden had a very rough day today. I got a call at 2:30pm that Aiden fell at school and needed to be picked up because his tooth went through his lip. I rushed through the 30 minute drive with a vengeance thinking my little boy's tooth was surely going to fall out and that he was going to have a disfigured face for a while (shallow, I know). So, when I got there I was pleasantly surprised that there was only a minor cut on his lip. He seems to be behaving normally-I am relieved.

Tonight was a typical evening in the Devlin home. You could hear whining and arguing between the puppy and Aiden as usual. There seems to be an ongoing battle for toys between the two, you would think they were siblings. Aiden is very laid back. He doesn't usually like the high strung personality of our 3 month old maltipoo "Chance" but lately they have been playing well together. Until tonight, they both HAD to play with this stinkin' ball. The ball IS the dogs. But, Aiden had his eyes on it and the dog thought they were playing tug of war.

This is how it all played out.

Please don't mind the runny eye or ketchup stained face. I rushed to my blog instead of worrying about it! Hey, priorities! =) You can see the cut on his left cheek if you look in this one.

This is my favorite of the set. He is growling like the puppy. It is neck and neck!!
And Chance takes the lead, Aiden is becoming weak...
I WANNNNNNIT! (cue Rocky theme song)
A last stitch effort...
And Chance runs away with the ball..TOTAL MELTDOWN!
I giggled my whole way through this post. I love my little boy, I feel so lame for even documenting the brawl but I think it's funny. Gotta love the determination of a two year old!

(Don't think I didn't grab the ball from the dog and give it Aiden him as soon as I put my camera down. Hey, what are mom's for?)


Candace Wilson said...

OMG!! That is hilarious!! I'm still laughing. I'm sure it was much much funnier in person but the photos are perfect! LMAO!!

Jill said...

thats TOO funny

Laurel Bay Stables said...

Thats fantastic! Document everything :)
At least he always has Candy Land!

Cristal said...

That is so funny!

Heather said...


PS: I am in S. Jersey also...I live right across the river from Philly. I am exit 17 off 295 :)

Heather said...

Yes!! Cara and I were back and forth a little bit about possibly getting together when it gets warmer. I would LOVE to meet you girlies!! :)

Lisa B said...

OH goodness, this is hilarious. I love seeing real life documented.