Friday, February 1, 2008

Groundhog Day?

It was news to me. I remember when you were in school, they would make a big deal about it being Groundhog's day and how we would all do arts and crafts around the "holiday." We would wait to see if Mr. Groundhog (his name escapes me) came out of his hole and make a big fuss about it. Now, mind you I am from Florida...but having winter be over 6 weeks sooner was still exciting to us. We just didn't really KNOW exactly what "winter" entailed for the rest of the states. haha

Well, at some point through the years this day has become insignificant to me. I was reminded today when picking Aiden up from daycare that today was the BIG DAY. His teacher presented me with this cute little groundhog hat that the kids made, and Aiden wears it proudly.

He is the cutest groundhog I ever did see. Mommy goggles please:

1 comment:

Heather said...

What a cute little Groundhog! The meaning has become less significant as I have gotten older as well, but when I do remember I am secretly giddy inside. LOL. Alison is so excited about tomorrow as well. She can't wait to "watch the news". HA!!